DVABPSI STUDENT MEMBER BENEFITS subscription to and opportunity to publish in:
The Mashariki Gazeti (Eastern Region newspaper)
Psych Discourse (the news journal of the International ABPsi)
The Journal of Black Psychology (for members of the International ABPsi)
Opportunities To Present At Regional and National Professional Gatherings
Monthly Professional Development Seminars
ABPsi annual conference (www.abpsi.org)
Professional Referrals (If you are eligible)
Listed in DVABPsi directory
E-mail and phone referrals from members
Opportunity to publish and participate in research
Professional Membership available in a Local, Regional and International Organizations
DVABPsi covers Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and Southern New Jersey
Talk with psychologists, psychology graduate students and psychology undergraduate students
Jegnaship (Mentoring) for academics, licensing, and placements/internships
Paid Consulting Opportunities
DVABPsi grants and projects leadership opportunities